January 2025 Issue
Disclaimer: Article is roughly translated. It may contain inaccuracies. Please pardon any mistakes.
Your Song
Everyone has a moment when they look forward to the next chapter of their lives.
Lee Seyoung and Na Inwoo, a song they will sing together.
Lee Seyoung is Broadening Her Horizons

I heard you’re in the middle of filming. Aren’t you tired?
Oh, I’m not tired at all. I believe that people become what they say, so I’m not tired!
That’s a healthy mindset (laughs). What was your first impression of Ji Kanghee, the interior designer you’re playing in <Motel California>, when you first read the script?
Usually, in most dramas, the main character is an ordinary person who goes through unexpected events and grows through the process of overcoming [those challenges]. I love those kinds of stories, and I played similar roles. However, Ji Kanghee is a character born with dilemmas. However, Ji Kanghee faced challenges that caused her traumas before she could even establish her own identity. I was curious on how she would overcome those struggles and move forward.
Ji Kanghee’s dilemmas since birth include her being mixed race, right?
That’s right. Hanaeup, the town where Kanghee grew up, is a place full of gossip and rumors. Being mixed race and living in a motel made her the subject of all kinds of gossip. For a child, those kinds of comments must have been really stressful. For me, as an actor, I’ve learned to accept criticisms and negativity as part of my job. After all, I chose this path. But Kanghee didn’t have a choice, and had to endure it at a young age. I thought that would’ve been devastating. That only deepened my curiosity.
<Motel California> begins when Kanghee, who left for Seoul to escape her trauma, returns to Hanaeup. Nostalgia for one’s hometown is a central theme for many stories. As someone who grew up in Seoul, and is still living in Seoul, what does this concept of hometown mean to you?
I think it’s a feeling I haven’t really experienced. Missing family and friends back in your hometown, or wondering if my favorite tteokbokki shop has closed down, are emotions I haven’t personally felt. So I can only speak about it this way (laughs).
It seems that acting, for you, is about solving your curiosities one by one.
I can’t say that’s always the case, but it’s definitely an important aspect for me. If the character intrigues me and I find them attractive, I find myself becoming more passionate about the role. I also put more affection into helping that character grow meaningfully.
Your works like <When I Turned Nine>, <The Wonder Years>, <Hot Young Bloods>, etc. often reflect specific stages of life. How would you describe your current stage?
These days, I feel like I’m living my “second youth”. As if I didn’t realize what youth meant back then, but I’ve now come to realize it.
Was there a specific reason (for the realization)?
While filming <What Comes After Love> in Japan this year, and acting in a different language, I realized, “Ah, there’s so much more to experience in this world.” If I didn’t take on challenges, I wouldn’t have had such experiences. It felt like something inside me changed. I feel a stronger desire to grow. I find myself thinking, “Why not just try everything?”
It looks like <What Comes After Love> had a huge impact not just on your acting, but also your life.
That’s right. It made me reflect on what kind of life I want to live. I’ve always been someone who plans everything out, but it made me question whether that was really necessary. Like I suddenly wanted to try painting, so I bought a canvas and went for it, but the result was terrible (laughs). Still, my mindset has changed, so I’ve started to just act on my thoughts (without overthinking).

You’ve probably been asked before about which roles you’d like to play. On the flip side, are there any roles you’d want to avoid?
Not really. I’d love to try a variety of roles, whether it’s a delicate character or a villain. My perspective has changed, though. In American TV shows, one actor plays a specific character in a series for so long, right? Watching those shows, I used to wonder, “Wouldn’t that actor want to try other roles?” but after becoming a fan of some series myself, I realized that wasn’t the case. As a fan, I wanted to keep seeing the same character I love. I hoped that the actor wouldn’t leave the show. I think living as one character in a long-running series wouldn’t be so bad.
Watching dramas and movies seems to be one of your hobbies.
Yes. Taking a shower, eating something delicious while staying glued to the TV. It used to be my hobby. Lately, I’ve been trying to do other hobbies. Once I accepted that I’m someone open to experiencing different things, I stopped being resistant towards new things. Honestly, it’s gotten a bit harder. It’s both joyful and exhausting at the same time (laughs).
What else gives you both joy and exhaustion?
Soccer! I think having a team to cheer for or a favorite celebrity enhances my life. I realized it’s much happier to have things you’re passionate about rather than feel indifferent about everything.
On the other hand, as an actor, you’re also enhancing someone else’s life. Knowing that you (and your work) brings happiness to so many people must have an influence on how you approach acting.
I didn’t understand it before. I couldn’t understand why fans would shake or get nervous while asking for my autograph or a photo. But then I experienced it myself as a fan. I once bought tickets to see Messi play. I even made a sign that said, “What time does Messi arrive?” However, I found out too late that Messi wasn’t playing due to an injury. I was so disappointed. That experience helped me better understand how fans feel. It also made me deeply grateful for the support I receive from the fans.
You mentioned in various interviews that you want to be an actor for life. What’s the joy of living as an actor?
Hmm… Everyone has the desire to be recognized, right? That’s where my answer lies as well. Just like how any office employee feels joy when their project is a success and they get recognized, I also feel the same. I also find it meaningful to take responsibility for the outcomes of my choices. Moreover, I believe living as an actor is a blessing. I love the people I work with, and I enjoy being on set with those people. It makes me incredibly proud to see someone who used to be the youngest staff member become a higher ranked staff or make their debut as a director. It feels like we’re aging well together, and it makes me really happy.
The variety show <Europe Outside the Tent> is currently airing. This might be a funny question, but if given the chance to travel the world freely for a year, which accommodation option would you choose? Hotel, Airbnb, hostel, etc. What’s your preference when travelling?
I always choose budget-friendly options. I prefer traveling in a way that lets me stay in one place for as long as possible. First, I choose a neighborhood I want to visit. Then, I live there like a local. I would explore every nook and cranny until I can navigate the area without any help. I also enjoy camping, but if I were camping alone, I probably wouldn’t be able to cook fancy meals like we do on <Europe Outside the Tent>. I’d likely just spread jam on bread and have some coffee.
How was your Italy trip with co-actors Ra Miran, Kwak Sunyoung, and Lee Joobin? There must have been some conversations that didn’t air. Opportunities for actresses to connect so honestly must be rare.
That’s why I always couldn’t wait for the filming to end. Our real heart-to-heart talks would start around 1-2 in the morning (laughs). It didn’t feel like being with other actresses. It was more like spending time with close older sisters. They’re such warm and genuine people so those moments with them felt precious. Oh, but I felt burdened about one thing. They were so proactive. Sunyoung unnie, Joobin unnie, and even Miran unnie would alway say, “I’ll do it. I’ll take care of it.” As the youngest, I felt like I had to step up my game and do my part.
During your guest appearance on <You Quiz on the Block>, you gave an unexpected answer to the question, “What comes after love?”. You said, “Death. I think I’ll keep loving until the day I die.” Some might disagree, and say that we currently live in a world where it’s hard to love even if we want to. What would you say to people who feel this way?
Love doesn’t need to be directed at a person. I mentioned earlier that finding something I’m passionate about has made me much happier. For example, if someone doesn’t have a favorite food, like there’s no difference whether they eat kimbap or plain rice, they might not have any complaints. But they’d also miss out on the happiness of enjoying food. I think having something (or someone) to love is necessary. It gives you a reason to live better. So, I’d encourage people to look for what they truly enjoy and love.
Genuine and True to Himself, Na Inwoo

You look good in the white outfit.
Thank you!
What’s your favorite color?
Blue. It’s refreshing. But apparently, blue doesn’t suit me. I once did a personal color test at a brand event, and I was told blue wasn’t my color. They said burgundy tones suit me better. Still, I naturally gravitate towards things I love.
After <Marry My Husband> aired in January 2024, you’re back a year later with <Motel California>. It’s like a refreshing gift for the fans waiting for Na Inwoo. Would you say you’re excited as the premiere approaches?
I wouldn’t say I’m excited. I’m more curious. I’ve always felt like this (with new projects).
What are you curious about? Could it be the audience’s reaction or the production quality?
I’m curious about how my character has been brought to life in the drama. For this drama, I even had some special makeup, which took about three hours, to portray Cheon Yeonsu’s high school days. I’m waiting to see how well those scenes went.
From a third person’s perspective, what kind of man is Cheon Yeonsu?
He’s a completely harmless person. A person who can stay by someone’s side for a lifetime, and a very good person.
Cheon Yeonsu is said to be a character who loves only one woman his entire life. Do you agree with those who call this type of man a “fantasy”? Or do you think it’s possible in real life?
I don’t think it’s fantasy. Of course waiting for just one person is definitely difficult, but it’s something people can manage to do, and Cheon Yeonsu is one of them. I put a lot of thought into portraying the delicate emotional nuances to make it feel realistic.
I’d like to hear more about those emotional nuances.
Cheon Yeonsu waits for Kanghee (played by Lee Seyoung) for over 10 years. Waiting usually comes with a mix of emotions, right? As time goes on, people tend to naturally forget, or they become exhausted and force themselves to move on. But Cheon Yeonsu endures. I imagined what kind of person who endures such a long wait, would be like when they grow old, and tried to give the character a sense of realism.
While waiting, Cheon Yeonsu, as a veterinarian, must have had animals by his side. I have to ask, do you like animals?
I do. I’ve always loved animals. So when I saw that my character’s a veterinarian, just saying “I like this” didn’t feel enough to express how I felt. But it’s not a job you can do with love alone. There are moments when you have to help the animals cross the rainbow bridge, and even then, you have to remain rational.

It seems that actors often discover new things while portraying their characters. What have you realized through Cheon Yeonsu?
That “temperament is definitely something you’re born with.” There may be environmental factors, but I realized how significant a person’s innate temperament can be in shaping their life. Cheon Yeonsu’s ability to wait so long for one person is largely due to his innate temperament.
What is Na Inwoo’s temperament?
I never give up.
Have you regretted giving something up?
No. I’ve never experienced giving up. I’m not good at letting things go. I tend to carry everything with me. I know that it could be seen as stubbornness. But everything has two sides, and I think not giving up can be a crucial strength in this day and age. I try to view it in a positive light.
That’s a great strength. And an even greater one if you don’t push yourself too hard.
There are definitely times where I think, “This is tough.” But still, I can’t give up. Like I said, it’s part of my temperament.
In your past interviews, you’ve always mentioned the word “beginner’s mindset” ever since you debuted as a sort of mantra. What does “beginner’s mindset” mean to you?
“Even if it doesn’t work out, let’s try to go as far as I can.” Even if I don’t like the situation or the conditions, I’ll do everything that I can. That’s been my mindset since my debut, and I think it’s what brought me this far.
What happened in the beginning of your career that made you resolve to “let’s just do our best”?
I had this internal struggle back then. My peers were wearing school uniforms and expressing their own individualities through roles that were appropriate for their ages, and I’d think to myself, “Why am I not like that?” I was always casted in roles that were much older than my actual age. Like when I had to wear a fake beard when I was 20 (laughs). But starting in my mid-twenties, I finally started getting roles that matched my age.
Looking back on the past 11 years, how do you feel?
I think I’ve been lucky. I think luck came in during my late 20s, but it wasn’t because I was working extra hard at that time. I remember thinking that no matter how consistent I was in putting in effort, being noticed still requires some luck. That being said, the love I’ve received from the public is something entirely different. That’s not luck, it’s their choice. I’m just grateful to everyone who chose to support me.
How was your fan meeting last May, where you got to meet your fans up close?
I was so nervous. I’m always nervous, but this time it was especially severe. It was my first fan meeting in Korea, and I didn’t want to disappoint.
Isn’t that feeling of being evaluated something you often experience as an actor?
I think it’s a bit different. In acting, I’m connecting with the audience through my characters. But in a fan meeting, I’m presenting myself as Na Inwoo, and not a role.
One thing that can’t be left out when talking about you is the guitar. I’ve seen you mention before that you like Galneryus’ guitarist, Syu. [t/n: Galneryus is a Japanese power metal band]
I still like him. I listen to every album they release.
In an interview, Syu mentioned that he focuses on “letting go of tension (relaxing)” when practicing. I think it’s also something that could apply to acting.
That’s right. It’s important in acting, and I’m still working on it. When I was younger, I had fixed answers in mind. I would act while having this in mind, “In this scene, I have to express this specific emotion.” But I ended up being stuck in that scene. Acting is all about teamwork, but sometimes it can be a one-way street. Since then, I’ve practiced letting go of that tension. I think it’s a lifelong homework for me.
Do you have a mentor in acting?
My acting teachers, and everyone who offers me guidance and shows me the path in acting is my mentor.
What did they say was your strength?
One thing they all mentioned was that I have a rich sensitivity. On the other hand, they said that my inability to fully let loose could be a weakness (laugh). While experience is important, I don’t think it’s everything. Experiences can also have a negative effect on some people. It’s different for everyone.
If you could choose a period that had the greatest impact on who Na Inwoo is today, what would it be?
Rather than a specific period, I think every moment made me who I am today. These days, my life is all about “work and home”; I’m quite a homebody. What’s unique about me is that once I step into a character, I just get lost in it. Even I find it surprising how deeply I immerse myself. Because of that, every character I play is significantly memorable. It’s like I’ve truly experienced another world (through the characters).
By the way, where did your homebody tendencies come from?
Who knows? Maybe it’s because I was such a mischievous child. I used to run around and play so hard that’s why I have so many scars. There’s one here on my arm, and here on my leg as well…
It seems that <Motel California> asks this question: “Can love and life be remodeled?” Perhaps, is there a moment in your life that you’d want to remodel? Based from your earlier answers, I’m guessing there isn’t (laughs).
There isn’t. Not a single moment.
How is that possible?
I just have to accept it - that I made such a mistake. When I acknowledge it, there’s no moment that I would regret or would want to remodel.
How does Na Inwoo feel as 2025 approaches?
Actually, I don’t think much about it. I don’t even know how this year went by. Lately, I don’t even remember what I did yesterday (laughs). I’ll probably continue to keep working hard even in 2025!